Here it is folks! My Kate/Milk Run Shawl is finished, just in time for summer weather to re-emerge so that I can just dream about wearing it.....I've moved on to some other winter projects that I would like to wear, if we ever get colder weather, but I am very proud of my shawl. Its not as long or wide as I would have liked, but I was quickly running out of needle space. The ruffle detail was pretty easy to do, but I would have liked it more reversed. Knitting this went pretty quickly since the pattern was easy to memorize and most of it was just mindless knitting. I will probably use this pattern again, just with thicker yarn. It will be good to take on the train, since they keep the air conditioning cranked up, or in the office as well. I still have two skeins left and thinking about making another little winter shrug from it, to match the scarf and socks that I've made over the past few years. I do love my peacock blue alpaca yarn......and so does my roommates pooch.
New Projects:
- Glitter Shrug from Lion Brand
- Lilith by Breeanna Sveum
- midterms for grad school