So I have a little bit of a crush on Kate Middleton- always looking fabulous and seems like a nice lady, someone you might want to hang out with. Of course after seeing the photos of her running to the grocery store in a knitted shawl, all of us knitters went a little crazy about it, even giving the shawl its own group on Ravelry. After getting frustrated with, and frogging my ribbed shrug-thingy, I decided that peacock blue alpaca wool would be more suited to making a rip-off of Kate's shawl. After perusing several patterns, I decided it was best to go with Cat Wong's Milk Run Shawl, due to the various options and it looks like it will knit up pretty quickly, just in time for me to wear it to my masters classes and run around grocery store parking lots shouting, "I'm the Duchess of Cambridge, Soylent Green is People!" (Only one of these things will happen) This project also makes good public transport knitting, since the increases are so easy to memorize and then its just knit in stockinette stitch. I started this just a few days ago, and its increased pretty quickly- the other thing I like about this shawl is the tabbed beginning, which makes those ends a great deal more secure and means that there is a little bit less finishing to do, which is ok with me. Here is how it looks today.
In other news, I have managed to finish my Frangiflutti, but I wish that it was thicker and longer. Love love love how the colors in the Japanese yarn I was using turned out. This will be really nice to have once Hong Kong "winter" comes around. If I make it again, I will do a greater amount of increases in the first section, and possibly learn how to read German, since the English instructions were a little confusing.