This was the expression on my face after a pleasant Saturday spent with a friend, Herman, who took me to two new LYS, Lovely Yarn, and A Good Yarn, and bought me some nice yarn as a belated birthday present. He bought me three skeins of this gorgeous hand-dyed Malabrigo in a deep spruce color. Its a little bit hard to see in this picture, but its lovely in person. This will probably be made into something for me, because I love love love blue and green in anything. I also picked up some lovely Ultra Fine Alpaca in peacock blue, which I also love. I have no idea what to do with it, but I had to have it. I've also inherited a lot of yarn from my mom, mostly Lion Brand, and a ball of Noro leftovers, but I will always take free yarn! I'm glad there is going to be room in my suitcase for my new and improved summer stash. The real question will be what do I take back to HK with me in 3 weeks, and what to leave behind for another day.
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